2019 |
- The CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network celebrates its fifth anniversary. Since 2014, it has produced white papers and events on leading edge topics such as diversity and inclusion, marijuana in the workplace, organizational culture and the CEO, mental health and more.
2015 |
2014 |
- Workplace Safety & Prevention Services launches The CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network, a reinvigoration of the former CEO Health and Safety Leadership Charter.
- The Network is formally launched at the Canada's Safest Employer Awards.
2012 |
- Charter Members from BC, Saskatchewan and Ontario meet to determine how The Conference Board of Canada (CBoC) and Charter members can continue cultivating health and safety at the national level
- Charter Executive proposes a National Occupational Health & Safety Scorecard to assist employers in benchmarking their practices
- CBoC seeks to become a "national umbrella" as a source of research, an accountability framework for senior leaders across Canada and a common framework to share information among Charter organizations
2011 |
- CBoC launches the Canadian Alliance for Sustainable Health Care (CASHC) - a research think tank
2010 |
- 200 business leaders commit to the Saskatchewan Charter with an additional 69 committing the following year
2008 |
- 300 individuals from all provinces except Manitoba, PEI and the Territories sign the Charter
- Safety Alliance of British Columbia is formed
2007 |
- CBoC assumes ownership of the Charter
2005 |
- Duncan Hawthorne, Bruce Power President and CEO, meets with federal, provincial and territorial ministers of labour to seek support in creating a health and safety charter
- The Charter is launched at the Health & Safety Canada Conference with 54 initial signees
- OSSA hosts a CEO Health & Safety Charter Workshop