Monthly Archives: April 2020

COVID-19 Impact on Mental Health and Coping

By Dr. Bill Howatt and Louise Bradley The Conference Board of Canada, Mental Health Commission of Canada and Workplace Safety & Prevention Services have partnered to share mental health resources to support employees and leaders coping with the impact of COVID-19 on mental health. French version: Impacts de la COVID-19 sur la santé mentale et…
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Compassion Fatigue

By Dr. Bill Howatt and Louise Bradley Canada’s health care system is facing unprecedented pressures. That means that the people operating within in it are at higher risk for operational stress injuries typically associated with repeated exposure to trauma. French version: L’usure de compassion If those of us watching the graphic reports of emergency rooms and…
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Leadership behaviours to support mental health

By Dr. Bill Howatt and Louise Bradley As leaders, most of the advice we seek today will be yesterday’s news by tomorrow. But we believe there are two pieces of advice on which you’ll be able to hang your hat throughout the entirety of COVID-19 - and beyond. Being kind is more important than being…
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