Monthly Archives: July 2021

Your Gut is Talking to You. Are You Listening?

Do you trust your gut? Like, really trust it—enough to factor it into your business planning and decision-making? Few leaders do. Most rely on facts and statistics and give little credence to this powerful and reliable resource. Honing Intuition is the topic of the latest CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network white paper. It is…
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Leading When COVID Becomes Endemic

By Dr. Bill Howatt and Louise Bradley Growing vaccination rates are enabling the world to get back on track and people to be with people again. A weight is lifting, but we're not out of the woods yet. COVID is not going anywhere fast. Even with vaccines readily available, the flu kills thousands each year,…
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Evaluating the organization’s mindset around employee vacation time

By Dr. Bill Howatt and Louise Bradley Senior Leaders: What are your attitudes and behaviours regarding vacation? Publicly, most leaders say that taking time is important. However, if you don’t take vacation time yourself, or employees are made to feel guilty for taking theirs, the incongruency of your words and actions can lead to burnout…
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Using Behavioural Science to Build a Resilient Culture

In the white paper Undertaking Culture Transformation to Adapt and Thrive, released by the CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network in 2020, Cheryl Fullerton, EVP, People and Communications at Corus Entertainment, talked about how Corus maintained engagement, commitment, and performance during its 2016 merger with Shaw Media. She shared details of how they worked as…
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