Monthly Archives: April 2021

Leaders: Are You Promoting Your Employee and Family Assistance Program?

By Dr. Bill Howatt and Louise Bradley Imagine approaching a salesperson for assistance with buying a computer, only to be handed a flyer and left to your own devices. You’d likely go elsewhere to find a salesperson who was perhaps not an expert on computers but could at least share valuable insights and offer information…
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Mental Health Promotion Game Plan

By Dr. Bill Howatt Imagine you start a meeting in a great mood. You’re looking forward to catching up with your team. Before the meeting starts, one of your team members asks permission to share a few troubling statistics that reveal how COVID is negatively impacting the mental health of Canadians: 25% of Canadians (aged…
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Surviving and Thriving in a Pandemic

Are you familiar with normalcy bias? If the terminology doesn't ring a bell, the behaviours associated with this bias might. In "Overcoming Psychological Obstacles to Beating Coronavirus" author Eric Haseltine, Ph.D. defines it this way, "The normalcy bias, simply put, is people's tendency to discount the risks of a pending or developing disaster because they…
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