Monthly Archives: March 2021

Leaders: Are You Giving At-Risk Employees the Attention They Need?

By Dr. Bill Howatt and Louise Bradley French version: Dirigeants: Accordez-vous assez d’attention aux employés à risque qui ont besoin d’aide? Before COVID, one in five employees had a mental health issue of some kind, including substance use disorders. Now, one year into the pandemic, a Leger poll conducted on behalf of the Mental Health Commission…
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Does Your Leadership Tone Promote Mental Health?

By Dr. Bill Howatt and Louise Bradley French version: Le ton de votre leadership favorise-t-il la santé mentale? Every leader sets a unique tone in their organization. Shaped by personal beliefs, communication, and small daily actions, that tone can have a powerful effect on employees’ perception of their workplace and the leader themself. Most leaders have…
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How employers can help women returning to work

By Dr. Bill Howatt and Louise Bradley Over the past few decades, gender equity in the workplace has come a long way. The pay gap has narrowed (albeit not closed all the way), there are more women in leadership roles, and there is broader female representation in male-dominated industries. However, the pandemic has shown us…
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