Monthly Archives: June 2020

Burnout: What leaders must know and what they can do to support employees

By Dr. Bill Howatt and Louise Bradley French version: Épuisement professionnel: Ce que les dirigeants doivent savoir et ce qu’ils peuvent faire pour aider leurs employés Most leaders have heard of the term burnout, but not all understand its legitimacy. Unfortunately, burnout is often dismissed as regular workplace stress, or worse yet, a personal weakness of…
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Leaders Can Help Employees Reduce Their Risk for Mental Fatigue

By Dr. Bill Howatt and Louise Bradley French version: Les dirigeants peuvent aider leurs employés à réduire le risque de fatigue mentale For the past few months, many employees have been running on adrenaline. With all the change and disruption, it’s been a challenging time. Now, the movement towards slow re-opening of provinces and businesses has…
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Managers have a role to play in preventing suicide

By Dr. Bill Howatt and Louise Bradley French version: Comment les employeurs peuvent soutenir les employés qui vivent des sentiments de deuil, de perte ou de regret Many leaders have created, or are in the process of building, mental health programs in their workplaces. Most are founded on accessibility, transparency and creating an environment where employees…
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