NEW ORGANIZATIONAL HEALTH + SAFETY CULTURE AWARD CREATES SHARED VALUE Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS), a principal in Ontario’s CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network, in partnership with Canada’s Safest Employers, presented by Canadian Occupational Safety magazine, is pleased to announce a new national award that recognizes organizations that exceed traditional health and safety…
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Executives gather at Health and Safety Roundtable
EXECUTIVES GATHER AT HEALTH AND SAFETY LEADERSHIP ROUNDTABLE CEOs, operational leaders and other executives will gather at The International Centre in Mississauga, April 28, to exchange ideas on building health and safety into board decisions – a crucial conversation aimed at managing business risk, avoiding potentially disastrous results and advancing the governance agenda. CEOs,…
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Canada’s Safest Employers Awards

Launched in 2011, Canada's Safest Employers Awards recognize companies across Canada for outstanding accomplishment in promoting the health and safety of their workers. Winners are recognized at the awards gala in Toronto in October. The top prize in the awards' program is Canada's Best Health + Safety Culture Award, which was co-created by WSPS. WSPS…
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